Sunday, February 21, 2010

Google’s User Data Empire : Slightly Shady SEO

Google’s User Data Empire : Slightly Shady SEO

  1. Ryan says:

    Not to mention how Salesforce and Google get closer and closer every day. Can you imagine the day Google buys Salesforce out? Not only will they possess the largest database of websites, the largest database of user information, the largest collection of interaction data, but also the largest collection of lead-funnel data in the world.

    If I told you I could see your customers, and I could see that 90% of your customers also use three other services (triangulation), and there were 1,000 customers of those three sites who aren’t currently using your service, how much would you pay to talk to those people? How about if I also told you that they’d searched for something like your product before?

    How much would you pay for the search terms they used? Or for a list of websites they frequent?

    I’d be willing to bet you’re thinking of a number quote close to your average revenue per lead. But what if I already know that number because you’re using my analytics and lead tracking services?

    And if you want to get really tinfoil-hatty:

    What if I also know how long your customers are likely to live?

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