Khush amadeed

A lot of traffic to my weblog is related to an article I wrote called The Anti-Filter. Most of these folks are from Iran and are looking technology to by-pass web filters and censorship. I thought I would more directly provide some instructions on how to anti-filter.

Step 1: find a proxy.
The quickest is to use a browser-based proxy. Good starting points are:

If you want something more permanent, try one of these programs:

Step 2: Enter URL (for example into proxy application.

Step 3: Browse through filter, firewalls, etc.

Some countries may block these websites. A smart way to find a proxy you can access is to check one of these links:

Hope this helps and is understandable. If someone would like to translate into Farsi, I would be happy to post a translation. With some luck this will help you anti-filter and will remain unblocked.

Update: I have disabled comments on this article. So many people replied with thanks that it broke the programming language used on this blog. Read the instructions above carefully and you will find how to avoid filtering.