Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Hart, the inventor of eBooks, says the Kindle won't go | Project Gutenberg News Portal

Michael Hart, the inventor of eBooks, says the Kindle won't go | Project Gutenberg News Portal

I just adore Project Gutenberg, but Hart, the guru of ebooks is quite wrong about the Kindle.

Point by point:
First: the Kindle screen is the perfect size - between a phone and a netbook

Second: Everyone knows you use cell phones to type in shorthand. lol.

Third: There will always be bibliophiles. Regardless, books are quite handy and convenient and never require power.

Fourth: you don't even have to understand what your Kindle is doing. Is it wifi? Is it cell technology? Who cares? Press a button and book delivered. As much as I love my netbook, the press a button part is irresistible. And I'm a techie. Think how much the non-techies are going to love the press a button magic.

Fifth: PDA's suck. Crappy interfaces or if they're smart phones the monthly charges are killer. Kindle free. Yup. By once. Then free. No monthly charge. No monthly fee.

Sixth: love my netbook, but would never read with it. I can cozy up with my kindle in bed whereas the netbook will strangle me with cord or burn the bed up with overheating. When I get too sleepy to read, just click once, and it reads to me. Happy, happy me.

Seventh: Uhhhh... like the iPod? it seems to be doing ok...

Eighth: not yet. but if this Luddite bibliomaniac can learn to embrace the Kindle, then anyone can. And my Kindle can read books from Project Gutenberg. It's kind of simple... err press a button. Yippy!

I don't care how many people buy the Kindle. It's the best. I love my Kindle. It reads to me when I'm sleepy. It stores 1000 heavy books that would be cluttering my house. Technical books that I just throw away in five years - now I don't have to feel bad about all the trees. Non-fiction books about topical subjects, anyone remember all the books about someone named George W? well I'm tripping over them.

Yeah, Kindle! No passwords, no monthly fees, no charging every night. Freedom!

Pink O. Korner
Pinko Korner

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